Detail of Personnels
[a] Advisors:Our company has a team of Advisors headed by our Principal Advisor. Each of the Advisors are an expert in his field and have long experience ranging from 30 to 50 years.
[b] Engineers:Our organization has over 85 Engineers (Civil) at various project locations having 5 to 25 years of experience in highways, bridges others structure as well as quality control and material testing.
In addition, there are Mechanical Engineers to manage efficient running, maintenance and upkeeps the large number of latest plants, machines & equipments deployed at our projects.
[c] Technician & Skilled Workforce:The Engineer are supported by a team of 125 Technicians including laboratory staff and 325 skilled workers in various trades. These include masons, carpenters, shuttering reinforcement and concreting workers, plant operators & drivers.
[d] Finance and Accounts Personnel:This team is headed by DGM there are more then 40 accounts and finance personnel at Head Office and various project sites
We own high tech and modern construction equipment comprising of crushers, hydraulic cranes, excavators, loaders, dozers, paver finishers, jack hammers, air compressors & transportation equipments such as trucks, tractors, trailers, jeeps, etc. Our assets base as on March31, 2011 stood at 146.42 crores. Ownership of such high end equipment enables quick mobilization besides ensuring continuous availability of critical equipment.